Updates from Yangon, Burma.2012

 Background:  Moshe Cohen on a Clowns Without Borders project. March 2012 Children's Training Schools in Myanmar are state run institutions that house children whom have been arrested by the state...

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Guatemala (CWB 1996) Day 4, plus Day 10-12

Day 4 The afternoon show is in Zona 18 on a flat soccer field, not quite as dusty as yesterdays' railroad tracks. Its our first full group show due to transportation backups in Livingston where the...

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Last days in Ofunato. Tsunami relief.

Ofunato Day 5 Japanese tradition dictates the form for our school shows and workshops, more so in the elementary schools than the child care centers. We are often received at the door by the vice...

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Ofunato Day 2. tsunami relief.

The contrasts are enormous. From the beauty of the deep green tree canopied mountain cliffs hovering over amazing ocean vistas to unending acres of bulldozed civilization, infinity of man made hills...

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Arriving in Ofunato.tsunami relief.

Back story.  I have come over to Japan on a Clowns Without Borders collaboration with the Tyler Foundation's Shine On! Smile Ambassador program. The Tyler Foundation's focus is on childhood...

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