As someone whose job it is to inject levity and lightness into the world, I am aware of the good it can bring. I am also aware of how vital it is that this levity be connected to the concerns of...

As someone whose job it is to inject levity and lightness into the world, I am aware of the good it can bring. I am also aware of how vital it is that this levity be connected to the concerns of...
If you are ever in Nijmegen (NL), be sure to visit the Velorama Bicycle museum! [modula id="31812"]
Acteal Abejas. 1998. December 31st, 2019. San Francisco This photo just popped up in a bit of 'last day of the decade' clutter removal. It's one I took in Acteal, Chiapas, Mexico, in the middle of...
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” ~ Albert Einstein Not so long ago I...
A while back I saw a graphic on the back of a sweatshirt that really caught my attention. It was very simple, two circles, a big one, with a smaller one hovering above as if in orbit around the...
"The Right Brain Develops First ~ Why Play is the Foundation for Academic Learning" I stumbled across this wonderful article by Vince Gowman this morning, still a bit jet lagged state, just home...
Lately I’ve been musing about the expression “Thinking outside the box” as it seems that expression is totally wrong-you can’t think your self out of a box!! A little research brought me to several...
The town of Escuintla is to the south of the Volcan de Fuego that erupted last summer. I was there to do workshops and shows for those affected by the volcano. As I left town, I had the...
A clown's point of view. Zona 3. Guatemala City. March 19th.2019.[modula id="31809"]
When I talk to Sandra after the workshop, to ask how it went, she tells me she has never seen some of the participants smile before, let alone laugh. I hadn’t considered that possibility earlier in the day, though I did note a few faces that were slow to thaw into humorous expression….