I’m just starting to gear up for a 3 week trip to Japan that will include free workshops in Tokyo, and then a 2 week series of shows and workshops in the tsunami zone, the Tohoku region. It’s the Tyler Foundation’s Shine On project (in collaboration with Clowns Without Borders-USA) that is bringing me over. I will be closely collaborating with their Smile Ambassador to the region, Guy Totaro. I have been in touch with Guy (via Skype) since last April, when he started planning trips to the region. He has been quite active, often bringing other performers along. He recently started working with Keiko, a visual art therapist and budding performer, who has joined the project. Together will create a show to play in Elementary Schools, Child Care Centers, Hospitals and numerous yet to be named places.Ofunato is the name of the small town where we will be based.
Stay tuned. I’ll be blogging in soon after I board the Emirates ( courtesy of Emirates Airlines Foundation!) flight in San Francisco on Aug 24th.